Traditional African Black Soap is made authentically without major changes to its traditional formula. It is in fact not black but dark brown, easily breakable and marble - like in appearance. (HOW TO SPOT AUTHENTIC AFRICAN BLACK SOAP)
African Black Soap derivatives such as Shea Moisture, Nubians Heritage, Dudu Osun and Zee are not real traditional bars and do not possess the same skincare benefits as brands like Kokoa.
Here's an 8 reason breakdown outlining why real Kokoa's African Black Soap is better than Shea Moisture, Dudu Osun or Nubians Heritage!
1) Kokoa's Authentic African Black Soap is scientifically supported to improve your skin
A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, 91% of Traditional African Black Soap (such as Kokoa's African Black Soap) users reported that the soap helped improve their skin conditions, including acne, eczema, razor bumps and skin health!
There is no current scientific studies that supports non-traditional African Black `Soap derivatives such as Dudu Osun or Shea Moisture.
2) Kokoa's Authentic African Black Soap is Better at Removing Bacteria
Traditional African Black Soap showed a HIGHER level of antimicrobial activity, when compared to non-traditional African Black Soap derivatives such as Zee or Dudu Osun, and a better antimicrobial activity than.
A 2016 study tested the antibacterial effectiveness of Black Soap vs. four other brands including Dettol and Dudu Osun.
The results proved that; Traditional African Black Soap - not only natural, packed with a number of skincare benefits, and highly effective - but it has been proved to kill bacteria more effectively than some of the biggest brands of antibacterial soap.
3) Kokoa's Authentic African Black Soap has fewer skin irritating ingredients (suitable for sensitive skin)
Traditional African black soap is free from ingredients that often cause skin irritation such as; artificial fragrance, sulphates and parabens.
Looking at the ingredients of several non-authentic bars, you can see why many users of African Black Soap derivatives such as Shea Moisture or Dudu Osun have reported skin irritation, stinging or burning.
Kokoa's African Black Soap has 4 natural ingredients: Shea Butter, Cocoa Pod Ash, Sunflower Oil & Water
4) Kokoa's Authentic African Black Soap is high in Shea Butter so is moisturising to the skin
5) Kokoa's Authentic African Black Soap is made in its countries of origin & supports local Ghanian culture.
Traditional African Black Soap also benefits from supporting traditional farmers and product makers in the soaps country of origin, supporting local small businesses and economies.
6) Kokoa's Authentic African Black Soap is Black Owned
As this soap is integral to West African Culture, it is amazing to see how popular this soap has become globally.
But it is important that the West African cultures that brought this soap into existence should benefit from its popularity.
This way local people, businesses and people and rewarded and supported for their traditions.
When companies that are not black owned take their recipes and values - this cultures lose out!
Shea Moisture & Nubians Heritage are not black owned and are owned by Unilever.
Kokoa is 100% Ghanaian owned, and all sourcing directly supports traditional soap makers in Ghana.
7) Kokoa's Authentic African Black Soap donates 4% of profits to ending modern slavery
This year, Kokoa are supporting Hope for Justice, a charitable organisation that works towards ending modern-day slavery.
Modern slavery has been described as the greatest human rights issues of our time. As defined in the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, modern slavery is an umbrella term that encompasses slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, and human trafficking.
A report from the HM Government (UK Government Modern Slavery statement) states that 'around the world, something in the region of 40 million innocent men, women and children are forced into various forms of modern slavery.
8) Kokoa's Authentic African Black Soap is plastic free & palm oil free
The Ellen Macarthur Foundation estimates there'll be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050 if we do not reduce our current plastic consumption.
Farming of palm oil trees is harmful to the planet, as it is a major driver of deforestation which destroys the habitats of endangered species like the Orangutan, Sumatran rhino and pygmy elephant.
In 2020, WWF also reported that deforestation also contributes to climate change and that there also remains some exploitation of workers and child labour.
Shea Moisture & Dudu Osun are NOT authentic versions of African Black soap and so will NOT produce the same skincare benefits.
Traditional African Black Soap can help with acne, breakouts, skin health, razor bumps and more! The real versions will give greater results and kill more bacteria.
Kokoa's Traditional African Black Soap is better for your skin health, doesn't contain irritative ingredients and is better for local businesses and the environment!
- Find out how to spot Authentic African Black Soap here.
- How African Black Soap can help with Acne
- Is African Black Soap suitable for All Skin Types?
- African Black Soap - Is it REALLY better than Dettol?